What is the Biggest Challenge or Fear Keeping You from Pursuing New and Exciting Experiences that Really Excite You, on a Regular Basis?

June 4, 2015

I have a huge favor to ask!

Please answer this question in the comments section below.

What is the Biggest Challenge or Fear Keeping You from Pursuing the Experiences that Really Excite You, on a Regular Basis?

If you’ve been looking for the first step to actively working toward your dreams, this is it! It is the easiest, smallest step, you’ll ever take on your path, and also the biggest.

Please take this opportunity to directly support your community, and get personalize help with the actual hurdles you experience.

A good designer needs to know the tastes of his clients. A good employee needs to know the goals of her manager. And a good writer needs to know the challenges his audience truly faces. I believe that the best way to learn any of this information is to go straight to the source, and ask!

I will feature the most useful answer in the up-coming weeks along with a link to your website. (No website, no problem. You will still get a GIANT thank you!)

(*Feel free to jump to the comments, and help out right now)

If you don’t usually like to comment, just this once, please:

  • Just write a sentence or two
  • Use a fake name
  • Or send an email instead

This site exists for you. The more I can understand the struggles you face, the more I can do the hard work for you, and solve for those problems. Much of what I give you on this site comes from needs, and feedback of an important few people close to me. This is your chance to be one of those people, and have this site personalized for you.

If you think you are the only one with a particular challenge, I guarantee there are many more people with the same concerns not speaking up.

So again: What is the Biggest Challenge or Fear Keeping You from Pursuing the Experiences that Really Excite You, on a Regular Basis?

The photo at the top of this post was taken while I was in New Zealand, at one of the largest areas of geothermal activity in the world. Whether it’s world travel or local exploration, new career paths or self-employment ambitions, a desire for better health and wellness, or something else, we all have dreams. I want to help you make yours exist.

Why? Because, believe it or not, they matter! They matter to you. They matter to the people around you. And they matter to me.

The Ball is in Your Court

Write as little, or as much as you are comfortable with, so long as it is something. We are all in this together. What’s the saying, “Help me, help you?” 😉

Take this small active step towards engaging in your dreams.

Thank you!

I can’t wait to hear what you have to say!

-Michael Speck

What is the Biggest Challenge or Fear Keeping You from Pursuing the Experiences that Really Excite You, on a Regular Basis?


  1. ~
    June 18, 2015

    It’s a combination of time and money holding me back. I have the fear of putting in the money to get it started, but not making that money back.

    • ;-)
      June 19, 2015

      Several things prevent me from doing things that are different or exciting.
      *** I don’t even know myself anymore and what I like or want to do. Day to day, busy life has taken most of that away… and dreams I have…are they better just as dreams? Will they live up to my expectations?
      ***I worry about decisions I make…I’m a bit of a perfectionist. Will everyone involved be ok with them. Will people have fun? Will I be good at it?
      ***Many times I just get frozen in fear of the unknown… the known is easier
      ***I get very anxious in new situations, or in large crowds I like being in CONTROL. Where will we park? How much do I need to walk…(because I am out of shape and overweight) What will I say to people I don’t know.
      ***Will I find it fun and worth the time, money, being in physical pain the next day, … or whatever the cost may be?
      ***Do I want to do something bad enough to plan it? I guess I’m a bit lazy.
      *** I’m a bit impulsive if I’m not careful…If I commit to something will I still want to do it when it is time? or will I wish I wasn’t committed.
      ***Will I find any experience energizing or exhausting…I am a bit of an introvert…my spouse more on the extrovert side…Sometimes we don’t find the same things energizing.

  2. Charlotte
    June 22, 2015

    Hi Michael,

    Thank you for the thought provoking question. I would have to say that the biggest challenge for me in pursuing the things that really excite me, is my own demons. They vary in appearance in nature and have their favourite sayings – they compare, speak of fear and worry about money.

    However, underlying all their different guises, is the same fundamental fear that they hold – being rejected for not being good enough. They want to keep me safe and comfortable. Not out of malice but they want to spare me the pain of adventure. Yet they don’t quite realise that the pain of stagnating is worse.

    I see this as an inevitable part of creating something that matters so much to you and in which your whole being is invested.

    How I deal with them ( and not always successfully) is to try not to fight them. Instead, I adapt a curious nature towards them. I question them and ask them is what they are saying really true. That way I am able to call them out on all the rubbish information they feed me.

    I hope that helps.

  3. Krista
    July 6, 2015

    RESPONSIBILITY…I know it holds me back and I’m sure it does the same to others. As an adult, we, obviously, have very different priorities and tend to worry more about the little things. But…every once in a while, it would be nice to just forget about the responsibilities awaiting and dive in head first to something new and exciting. In the end, the responsibilities will always be waiting for you when the adventure is long gone. Opportunities for new experiences will come and go, but if seized at the right moment, can provide more benefit than you can imagine.