April 13, 2016

The soft breeze shakes budding spring leaves, and carries on its wing the smell of new possibilities.

When we were young, always budding, and always growing, every day felt different from the time space before it. Every moment was all there really was. Well, that and tomorrow.

Tomorrow was always in the excited synapses of our minds too, because tomorrow was going to be awesome! Tomorrow we were going to Billy’s house, and Billy has a trampoline. Next month we were going to Six Flags, and next summer we were going camping.

But today had us feeling energetic. Today we were going to play football at recess. Today, we had art class. Today, right in the present moment, there was an incredible day dream to be had, about jumping in the lake -suddenly being able to breath underwater, and talk to all the fish using advanced bubble word visualization technology the fish had kept hidden for over a millennium- “…so what do you have as the answer for number 17?”

The teacher’s question brought us crashing back. No matter, we had ‘204 apples’ written down, which turned out to be right, and the moment continued to stretch on.

All sorts of little events, ideas, and dreams had us bounding along. Every moment was amazing. Each one would last forever. And over what? Insignificant ‘kids’-stuff.’

Aware of our size, we were giants in our minds. The world, while not always a joyous place, was at least there to be discovered, and played with.

Do you feel that way now?

Would you like to?

Don’t Take Life so Seriously

It all starts with our perspective. You, and I have begun to let our perspectives grow ridged. They have become stiff, and you are less willing to change them. Change it seems would take the strength to move mountains. We don’t feel like we have that sort of energy anymore.

This kind of change doesn’t take the massive amounts of effort you think though. Changing your perspectives takes something different.

Changing your perspectives takes acceptance.

You have to accept that you still don’t know everything. No matter the face you put on for your husband, your wife, your kids, your friends, your clients, or yourself. Accepting this gives your permission to be curious.

You have to accept that you still don’t do everything perfectly. Getting paid for your work doesn’t mean it is flawless. Providing for the people around you doesn’t mean you could not do better. Accepting the flaws gives you permission to learn for only the sake of improvement.

You have to accept that you are still wrong. Self-defenses don’t make you right. Arguing doesn’t make you right. Ignoring the truth, rationalize your way away from it, or bending it doesn’t make you right. Accepting this gives you permission to make mistakes.

When you accept these statements that are true of everyone your perspectives can begin to change. When you see the world as a place you are allowed to be curious, learn how to improve, and make mistakes without guilt, the breeze begins to gust again. Playful possibilities can begin to excite you again.

Your actions appear a little less serious. Your motives feel more playful, more adventurous. Even wild animals play. They learn through play. Life will seem lighter.

You will be more excited to be alive!

Ready to Give It a Shot?

Repeat these a couple more times, then post them on you wall, your mirror, or your desktop.

  1. I accept that I still don’t know everything.
  2. I accept that I still don’t do everything perfectly.
  3. I accept that I am still wrong.

There it is. Keep them fresh in your mind. Repeat them once a day- morning is best. Begin retraining your brain to see the world as a place you are allowed to be curious, learn to improve, make mistakes, and be happy.

-Michael Speck

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